The shooting of the much talked about film 'Lal Singh Chadha' starring actress Kareena Kapoor Khan and actor Aamir Khan has resumed. Many photos and videos of their set have gone viral on social media. In this video, Amir is wearing a T-shirt, pants and a turban on his head. Kareena is seen wearing a hospital gown.
Kareena also shared several photos with her team on her
Instagram. The photo was captioned "Lal Singh Chadha and My Loving
Colleagues". She was seen doing makeup in a photo she shared. In the
second photo, she is seen posing for the camera. Earlier, Aamir Khan was
shooting for the film in Ladakh when he was accompanied by his ex-wife Kiran
Rao, actress Mona Singh and actor Naga Chaitanya. Since then, these new photos
of him have gone viral on social media.
Last year, Kareena shared some photos with Aamir Khan on Instagram, captioned, "Every journey is coming to an end, today is the end of shooting for my upcoming film Lalsingh Chadha, Kovid, my pregnancy and fear are all taken care of" She has given. Also thanks to the entire team. Lal Singh Chadha is a remake of the 1994 Oscar-winning film Forest Gump. In this film, Aamir is playing a Punjabi character. Filming of the now-defunct film has resumed after the lockdown.
Last year, Kareena shared some photos with Aamir Khan on Instagram, captioned, "Every journey is coming to an end, today is the end of shooting for my upcoming film Lalsingh Chadha, Kovid, my pregnancy and fear are all taken care of" She has given. Also thanks to the entire team. Lal Singh Chadha is a remake of the 1994 Oscar-winning film Forest Gump. In this film, Aamir is playing a Punjabi character. Filming of the now-defunct film has resumed after the lockdown.