Top 5 Apps to Get the Most Out of Super Bowl 48 Experience Sunday 2014

Sunday 2014 is the special day of the year 2014 for Soccer’s fans. And the Super Bowl  2014 is a lengthy event and linking tracking every play.  watching commercials ads and the halftime game, still the the majority dedicated fans may well want some help out following the Football game.
Fortunately, there are abundance of mobiles amazing apps to give all facilities on live and even offer soccer fans a few more tools to get pleasure from the football Super Bowl 2014 game. Now live football game updates, linking by other fans, placing very funny bets or watching commercials, there's an app for just on every feature of Super Bowl 2014.
Five Apps to Get the Most Out of Super Bowl Sunday

Feature of Super Bowl 2014

When you are a football fan, a informal watcher or now watching for the commercials, these apps will assist you search out the for the most part out of your Super Bowl 2014 Sunday and keep on peak of each factor between kickoff and the post football game show. You can Use these apps listed below to get standing by for the large football Game by calibrating Television color with 5.1 system sound and the cellar luxury box’s special net.


Top 5 Apps to Get the Most Out of Super Bowl

Smart THX Tune Up joins with the iPad to a HDTV system moreover throughout a HDMI wire and the $49 USA Apple HDMI adapter or through an Apple Television and Airplay. When linked, the app walks the user from side to side the steps of receiving the finest image and sound out of their television or hi-fi sound system.

HDTV CALCULATOR – $.99  Super Bowl 2014 app

HDTV CALCULATOR – $.99  Super Bowl 2014 app

 HDTV Calculator app helps people calculate any things. This amazing app helps HDTV rest owners calculate the ideal screening detachment for their range television. Now Enter the size of the set in inches from area to neighboring turn and the app will calculate the best distance to set the couch back from the television or projector display. This app as well works in overturn for people setting up to purchase a set. calculate the distance from the couch to anywhere the set will sit or hang up and the app information the right size television for that area.
5 Apps to Get the Most Out of Super Bowl Sunday